samsung c3050 slider
it is in very good condition but with no box but has mp3 player and bluetooth and with good games and with a vga goog camera.with good colours and with a good slider with a nice black colour with nice background with nice buttons and quick i think u shound buy this because i got this for £35 and me shabbir ahmed is selling for the best possilbe price u will ever get its is very very very fast to send a meassage with all the numbers u need to dial and u can put a memory card when ever you want its and u can collect it by sending me a letter with the phone and i will send u the phone then u will send me the money and its is me by samsung the network is t-moblile which is a very very very very very very very very very company u will get the best deal and has all the things u want for a very goog good ggod good good goog goog good good good good good good good good goog good price for a £15 phone i recommend u buy this phone. because its is very cheap and easy to buy so i will hope that somewill buy it.